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True facts on essential oils are the goal here at LEO.


True facts may seem redundant term, but it’s not. There are thousands of “facts” about essential oils, but unfortunately they are not all true.


Of the many types of facts, or truths, concerning essential oils, at LEO we think these truths fall into roughly four categories: Absolute, Traditional, Mythical, and Evolving.


Absolute truth just is. It is actual, proven and repeatable. Read more >>


Traditional truth can be useful and valuable to know, but it is not always absolute truth. Read more >>


Mythical truth may have begun with a very small grain of truth.  Read more >>


Evolving truth is cool because it means we’re learning. Read more >>


All of these types of “truth” are part of the culture of aromatherapy and essential oils. Read more....

Learn Essential Oils | The Truth | Aromatherapy
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Hi, I'm Jennifer Eden Clark, founder of LEO. I am a Certified Aromatherapist and hold a Masters Diploma in Aromatherapy.  Since becoming a Registered Aromatherapist in 2010, I have been observing and learning from all that is going on in the essential oil industry and culture. I saw some needs and have tried to address them here at LEO and as an author in my book Essential Oil Basics: The Complete Pocket Guide to Safe & Effective Essential Oil Use which is now in it’s 6th revision and second edition. I spent three years researching, learning, and meditating on the topics I cover in this book, which are many! Most bigger books do not contain as much information as this little book that I created as a gift to be easy to read yet valuable in content, containing some information that was difficult to come by.


I continue my education attending conferences and webinars, reading, interacting with lay users and professionals, and completing two Advanced Clinical Aromatherapy courses in France (2014-15).

I have served with The Alliance of International Aromatherapists as a Director and on the Executive Board as Secretary January 2018 - December 2019.


I wanted to create an environment at LEO that is common ground for all essential oil users, focusing on facts rather than on methodologies. I believe in bringing people together to learn from one another, so I now carry the moniker of Aromatics Ambassador.


I don't just do aromatherapy. To maintain balance

and sanity, I am usually creating something. Our 5 children are my most cherished works.

I play the piano for relaxation and to help me work through issues in my mind. Capturing beauty in photographs is a joy. Art quilting simply makes me happy.


I love light, sunshine, and the colors yellow and spring green. I don’t love to cook, but make the best of it! I do like to cook in large batches.


Join me here on LEO. Together we can go 'Onward and Upward'!


All the best, Jen 

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